
This is a knowledge aggregator. You can click on all the links and reach a lot of nice places on the Internet to read a lot of nice things about a lot of nice topics.

Broadly, there are two topics on this website: Computers (running GNU/Linux and used to explore the web) and human body (with the all complex mind and stuff).

There are also some topics that overlap the two above like learning and AI


If you use computers, you should definitely know what FOSS and the open Web are.

You might also want to explore all the apps I like and read about security and privacy


There is very little organized information about medicine on the Internet. There is no go-to website for a medical student to visit and read to their mind's content when they are bored. I plan to do something towards this here. Right now I have a couple of links for you: ophthalmology, dermatology


I believe in learning things as efficiently as possible. If you are a learner and want to learn any of the things I am interested in with me, please contact me


I am a rationalist, I call myself an atheist, and I usually am proactive in getting involved in religious issues because there are issues in religion. I am a feminist. My core values are Gandhian. I used to like thinking about spirituality.

Read more about my likes and dislikes


Okay, if you are coming here for the first time and you don't have a clue what is happening, read the about page.