
8 infect humans in this family.

  1. HSV 1
  2. HSV 2
  3. VZV
  4. EBV
  5. Cytomegalovirus
  6. HHV 6
  7. HHV 7
  8. Kaposi's sarcoma associated herpes virus

Chicken Pox

Herpes Zoster


VZV encephalitis

Confused with Herpes Viral encephalitis (by HSV1) and therefore less studied.

Ophthalmic Zoster

Trigeminal nerve (V) - opthalmic branch

Hutchinson's sign

Because the nasociliary branch of the trigeminal nerve innervates both the cornea and the lateral dorsum of the nose as well as the tip of the nose.

There is a Hutchinson's nail sign (Subungal melanoma) and a Hutchinson's triad (congenital syphilis)

Ramsay Hunt Syndrome